Renaming Variables

A significant and innovative feature of the Simple Renaming Panel is its use of renaming variables, dramatically expanding its flexibility and functionality. These variables bring a dynamic aspect to the renaming process, enabling more complex and customized naming schemes while ensuring the process remains quick and efficient. The unique choice of the "@" symbol for defining variables avoids conflicts with symbols like "$", which are prevalent in Regular Expressions, making this feature both intuitive and easy to use. Users can effortlessly generate these variables by clicking a button next to the input field or by typing them in directly, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience. The availability of a range of predefined variables further enhances the tool's versatility and adaptability, meeting diverse renaming needs in Blender projects.

System and Number Variables

Variable Name Description
@d date Current date (timezone UTC)
@i time Current time (timezone UTC)
@f filename Users filename of the blend file. Will be ignored when the file hasn't been saved.
@r random Random letter combination with a length of 6.
@n number Iterating number. This can be used to replace the automatic numbering. Number lenght including the padding 0s (e.g., 003) is defined in the preferences.

User Variables

Variable Name Description
@h high poly User defined for high poly meshes.
@l low poly User defined for low poly meshes.
@b cage User defined for bake cage meshes.
@u1 user variable User defined variable.
@u2 user variable User defined variable.
@u3 user variable User defined variable.

Object Variables

Following variables are currently only supported in Object mode.

Variable Name Description
@p parent name Parent name. If the object doesn't have a parent the object name is used as fallback.
@o object name Name of the current object.
@a active object Name of the active object.
@m object data Object data name.
@t object type Object type. E.g., MESH, CURVE, LIGHT ...
@c collection All linked collection names.

An arbitrary number of renaming variables van be used in any input field and at any position. Variables can be combined and used together with regular strings.

E.g., @f_@t_object_@i ([filename][objecttype]_object[time]_[number]). Furthermore, it is now possible to deactivate the number at the end of newly generated names.

Note: Be careful by using the renaming variables in the Search input. It will only compare the strings. If you use the date variable @d it will only find the objects that have the current date and the same format.

By deactivating the Numeration and using the custom number variable @n. It is finally also possible to rename many objects at once with a increasing number in the middle of the string.

E.g., objeckt_001_high, objeckt_002_high. objeckt_003_high. This can be useful for baking multiple high poly object onto one low poly object within marmoset or substance.