Engine Guide

Simple Export is a more convenient way to use Blenders built in exporters with all current export formats (fbx, alembic, usd, obj, ...). The settings can be adjusted in the same way as you would configure Blenders built in presets and exporters.

My workflow

I shared my workflow and strategies in the Blender Conference 2024 Talk: Game Art Insights: Art, Tech and Teamwork, where I talk about using Blender in non Blender game pipelines. This addon will help you streamline some of the steps outlined in my presentation and automate it further.

Creating Custom Presets

Simple Export uses Blender's built-in preset system. It detects pre-existing presets, and you can create them in familiar ways:

  • Export Panel: Go to File -> Export -> [file format] to open Blender's export panel for the given file format. Select the settings you want and save the preset in the top-right corner.
  • Properties Panel: Go to Properties -> Collection -> Exporters, select the export settings you want to save, and save them as a preset by clicking the three lines next to the file format and setting a name.

Export Panel

Create Preset Properties Panel

Properties Panel

Create Preset Preferences

Simple Export ships with three presets for exporting static meshes to Unity, Godot, and Unreal Engine. Game art creation is not always a straightforward transfer of data. A Blender scene might contain high- and low-poly meshes to be baked, in addition to the final game assets. It is, therefore, important to customize your export collections to work for all situations.

Use of Presets

Other export add-ons often focus exclusively on getting the final asset from Blender to the game engine. **Simple Export ** is designed to be more versatile, covering other export needs like baking or sending data to another software.

Unity Guide (TODO)

Simple Export will ship with an FBX preset for Unity. Select the correct preset in Properties -> Output -> Simple Export -> Preset. The preset ensures that the following settings are configured correctly.

Simple Unity

Setting Value Notes
Path Mode Strip Path Removes texture path since UE handles it
Scale 1.0 Blender and UE share the same scale
Apply Scaling FBX All or FBX Unit Scale Ensures correct transformations
Forward Axis - Y Forward Matches Unreal’s coordinate system
Up Axis Z Up Ensures proper world orientation
Apply Unit Enabled Ensures proper world orientation
Use Space Transform Disabled Helps maintain consistent transforms
Apply Transform Disabled Avoids hierarchy issues with animations
Smoothing Face Edge smoothing can cause shading issues
Apply Modifiers Enabled Ensures the final mesh is exported
Tangent Space Enabled Required for correct normal maps in UE
Triangulate Faces Enabled (Recommended) UE prefers triangulated meshes for LODs
Add Leaf Bones Disabled Unreal doesn’t need extra bones
Animation Export Disabled Only exporting static meshes

Furhter information: https://polynook.com/learn/lesson/how-to-export-models-from-blender-to-unity

Unreal Engine Guide (TODO)

Simple Export will ship with an FBX preset for Unreal Engine.

Simple UE

Setting Value Notes
Path Mode Strip Path Removes texture path since UE handles it
Scale 1.0 Blender and UE share the same scale
Apply Scaling All Local Ensures correct transformations
Forward Axis Y Forward Matches Unreal’s coordinate system
Up Axis Z Up Ensures proper world orientation
Use Space Transform Enabled Helps maintain consistent transforms
Apply Transform Disabled Avoids hierarchy issues with animations
Smoothing Face Edge smoothing can cause shading issues
Apply Modifiers Enabled Ensures the final mesh is exported
Tangent Space Enabled Required for correct normal maps in UE
Triangulate Faces Enabled (Recommended) UE prefers triangulated meshes for LODs
Add Leaf Bones Disabled Unreal doesn’t need extra bones
Animation Export Disabled Only exporting static meshes

Transforms: https://github.com/xavier150/Blender-For-UnrealEngine-Addons/wiki/Axis-Transforms

Godot Guide (TODO)

Simple Export will ship with a GLTF preset for Godot.